Helplessly Desirable

There are so many things I could write today and I don’t know where to start. “From the beginning” some might say. Pretty obvious, right? But not always easy. And it is clear to me that everything that a beginning has an end, and that from every end there comes a new beginning. Although I want some things to… never end. I want to live forever, like the Oasis guys said in their song… and I wish everyday to be Public… like that frog that Emily Dickinson hates so much in her “I’m Nobody” poem. But this is me and this is what I wish. In extreme cases…. I wish to be a dot….. 

My imagination wonders…I know I am helplessly desirable and there is nothing wrong with that.

I love my Princess Pillow…

Which makes me think, I want some cake and cranberry juice.


I’m 27…

