Rainy day, smiling faces
Today is a good day.
I wake up to the sound of the rain.
I reach my arms to my right, but Jon’s not there today.
Anyways – I smile, stretch and get out of bed.
This morning I manage to have breakfast; now that’s a step forward.
I walk to the train station. It’s still slightly, only slightly, raining.
I like the smell of fresh air.
I like feeling the rain on my face; When I’m not getting soaked; that is!
There are no delays on the train to Victoria.
As usual, the train’s packed.
Somehow, I manage to get in.
The train’s moving.
I have nothing to hold on to, so I relly on my balance.
It seems like all these years of on and off ballet, tai chi and chi kun have finally paid off!
I hold on to nothing but my inner core. In the meantime I smile.
Some strangers ignore me, others smile back. That’s how it is I guess!
10 minutes after, I arrive at Victoria Station, but my journey isn't over yet.
I’ve been in London for almost five years, and although I’ve become an expert in avoiding people,
sometimes it’s just unavoidable. Like today! Nonetheless, I carry on walking, apologising as I bump into people.
More trains, more people.
I finally get out of Holborn Station, and once again, rain and fresh air. YEY!
I’m silently screaming to Bonjovi and boom! I’m there 20 minutes early.
Wow…. I’m walking faster every time.
Life is good.
I’m in a weird-positive mood today.
Got to do some jumping.
Bring it. ON.