
It’s been a long time since I last wrote in here. Many, many things have happened. So I didn’t get that music consultant job, (as you all must know by now) but I have kept my non-stop search for the right one for me. And applying for more. I said to myself I will have a job by the beginning of the year. And I got one. Quite not what I want and expected, but I guess that’s what happens when you apply to almost everything. Hey, desperate time calls for desperate measures. And here I am, going all over London in the middle of the cold, rain and snow knocking on people’s doors asking for donations for the Children’s Society. It's been interesting… But not for me. If people say no, they say no. I am trying though, and I did get a signup on Tuesday. Yesterday was not that successful, and I was happy that at least it was in Balham and I could get home quite easily. I got home and it was all full of life here, my flat-mate, boyfriend and friends listening to some music having fun. I did need that energy at that time. And I talked to my grandma, my older brother and 2 of my aunts on Skype. That was good too. Just for a little bit.

Many things went through my mind as I left my home to go and work in the snow. Many many things, not to mention a massive headache. but I ignored all that and kept on going. I ignored it and carried on. My mind can play tricks on me sometimes, most of the time I should say.

My search is not over, in many ways. Although I do find myself getting closer, I can smell it.

It’s 2010 and I am still here, smelling my future and the rain. Doing whilst I wait.

Just waiting is not enough.




Dry. Living.Sour.